Jaw Corrective Surgery Melbourne

Correction and realignment of
the jaw bone and teeth.

What Is Jaw Corrective Surgery?

Jaw Corrective Surgery, also known as Orthognathic Surgery, is a procedure that assists patients with a misaligned jaw or teeth. Corrective jaw surgery aids in the day to day effectiveness of speaking, chewing and breathing, while also improving the overall aesthetic look of the jaw and face.

While the surgery is not performed at Camberwell Orthodontic Group, it is done in tandem with braces and orthodontic advice both before and after surgery.

sample jaw and teeth

Can Jaw Surgery Help Me?

Jaw Corrective Surgery is most beneficial for patients with receding or protruding jaws. People who suffer with difficulties with speech, breathing (such as sleep apnoea) and chewing may also benefit from Orthognathic Surgery.

Concerns with overall facial aesthetics can potentially be addressed with jaw corrective surgery.

Get in touch with Camberwell Orthodontic Group

The Next Step

If you think you could benefit from Jaw Corrective Surgery, we recommend a consultation with one of our experienced Orthodontic team.

From there, we would work closely with an Orthognathic Surgeon to formulate a plan to ensure the best possible results for our patients.

ortho examines x ray of jaw of client

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